MCC - European Studies

European Union

A fruitful debate in the MCC on the future of the EU

Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) hosted a compelling debate featuring Rodrigo Ballester, Head of the Center for European Studies, and Marc De Vos, author of Superpower Europe: The European Union's Silent Revolution.

The EU should make a multi-speed framework available to candidate countries

The EU should adopt a multi-speed framework, allowing countries to utilize opt-outs and integrate at their own pace based on their political situations, while adhering to the principle of subsidiarity.

Main importers of Russian gas in the EU: does reality match political stereotypes?

Imports of Russian gas, whether via pipelines or in liquefied form, to the European market are not subject to the same sanctions as those for oil. However, Member States are encouraged to reduce these imports and face political pressure if they deviate from the EU’s stance. The case of Hungary is emblematic in this regard, with Budapest constantly in the EU's sights.

Representation of Poles and Hungarians in the EU Civil Service: too few, too low? The need for an impartial and geographically balanced EU HR system.

This article examines the underrepresentation of Poland and Hungary in the EU civil service, highlighting both EU-wide and domestic factors. It underscores the need for an impartial and representative EU HR system and offers recommendations, including enforcing geographical balance especially in senior roles, preventing politicization, and reforming the concours system, to address this disparity.

Exclusion of Hungarian Universities from Erasmus and Horizon: Reasons Behind and Opportunities Beyond

The Centre for European Studies is organising a half-day conference on 04 June to discuss the situation of universities excluded from EU funds.

Conference to mark the 30th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty

The Centre for European Studies of Mathias Corvinus Collegium organised an international conference

30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht: Hidden federalism and democratic denial

The Centre for European Studies is organising a half-day conference on 11 March to mark the 30th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty, entitled Hidden federalism and democratic denial.

The EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia - achievements and challenges with the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

On the event the mission's establishment, objectives and facilities will be discussed with the guest of the program, Dr. Tibor Kozma, Acting Head of Mission.

Georgia's way to Europe - What is next

What makes Georgia European and what can it bring to Europe? This was one of the topics discussed at the event of the Center for European Studies, which was also attended by several ambassadors accredited to Hungary.

Appointment of the Judges across the EU: blurry or double standards?

A comparative study on the practice of judicial appointments in the EU Member States, published by the Centre for European Studies, was presented yesterday at the MCC headquarters in Budapest.

Excluded universities in the maze of EU funding

On 6 September, our Center for European Studies held a co-organised event with EuroAtlantic Consulting Zrt. on the situation of Hungarian universities and research institutions.

Erasmus – from European solidarity to political weapon

Discussion with Rodrigo Ballester, head of the Centre for European Affairs, MCC Budapest

The former Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister also spoke at the MCC International Conference

More than 100 participants from 20 countries, including several ambassadors, attended the international conference organised by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium Center of European Studies on the functioning of the European Political Community. Among the guests at the day-long event were Pavlo Klimkin, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Ukraine, Romina Kuko, Deputy Minister for Internal Affairs of Albania, and Zviad Barkaia, Deputy Head of the Georgian Government Administration.

Conditionality of EU Funds: Rule of Law or Political Blackmail Conditionality of EU Funds: Rule of Law or Political Blackmail

On 22 February, the Centre for European Studies' event on the conditionality of EU funds tackled a very complex, and relevant issue.

MCC Conference on the Future of Publishing - How Media Law and EU Regulations Impact the Media Market

During the conference, Rodrigo Ballester asked the pannelists about the impact of EU legislation, during the first day of the conference.

MCC-Brussels opening ceremony at the Atomium

Our Center was also represented at the opening ceremony of the new MCC-Brussels, with Rodrigo Ballester moderating the first panel discussion of the event.

National Training Week in Brussels: close to the European Union

The School of International Relations visited Brussels for three days as part of the National Training Week to get a first-hand look at the institutions and workings of the European Union.