MCC - European Studies

EU funds

The Polish Case: Sanctions Without Conditionality – What If All It Took Was a Change of Government?

The paper examines the release of €137 billion in EU funds to Poland following Donald Tusk's return to power in December 2023, raising questions about the European Union's motivations and consistency regarding the rule of law. It critiques the alleged double standards applied to Poland, exploring whether the EU's criteria for withholding funds were genuinely rooted in concerns over judicial independence or driven by political considerations.

The situation of universities excluded from EU funding is crucial in Hungary today

The latest conference hosted by the Centre for European Studies, MCC, shined a spotlight on the predicament facing model-changing universities, which find themselves excluded from direct EU funding.

Az uniós forrásokból kirekesztett egyetemek helyzete kulcsfontosságú ma Magyarországon

Az MCC Európai Tanulmányok Műhelyének legutóbbi konferenciájának témája a közvetlen európai uniós forrásokból kizárt modellváltó egyetemek jelenlegi helyzetét vették górcső alá a meghívott előadók.

Exclusion of Hungarian Universities from Erasmus and Horizon: Reasons Behind and Opportunities Beyond

The Centre for European Studies is organising a half-day conference on 04 June to discuss the situation of universities excluded from EU funds.

Excluded universities in the maze of EU funding

On 6 September, our Center for European Studies held a co-organised event with EuroAtlantic Consulting Zrt. on the situation of Hungarian universities and research institutions.

Erasmus – from European solidarity to political weapon

Discussion with Rodrigo Ballester, head of the Centre for European Affairs, MCC Budapest