MCC - European Studies
Máthé Réka kép_edited.jpg

Réka Zsuzsanna Máthé

12/20/24, 3:28 PM

Politicization of the EU Budget: A Longstanding Tradition

This paper examines if ideological influences can be observed when allocating funds within the European Union budget. First, it presents the legal basis of budget sources, followed by an examination of the major trends that affect the allocation of EU budgets.
11/6/24, 10:40 AM

European Competitiveness: A Catch-All Term or a Viable Strategy

During the past couple of years, the EU has been struggling with the effects of an energy crisis, while the USA and China have since expanded their share of global GDP.
3/1/24, 2:51 PM

30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht: Hidden federalism and democratic denial

Az Európai Tanulmányok Műhely március 11-én félnapos konferenciát szervez a Maastrichti szerződés 30. évfordulójának alkalmából Hidden federalism and democratic denial címmel.