MCC - European Studies
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Yann Caspar

2025. 01. 28. 13:30

The Polish Case: Sanctions Without Conditionality – What If All It Took Was a Change of Government?

The paper examines the release of €137 billion in EU funds to Poland following Donald Tusk's return to power in December 2023, raising questions about the European Union's motivations and consistency regarding the rule of law. It critiques the alleged double standards applied to Poland, exploring whether the EU's criteria for withholding funds were genuinely rooted in concerns over judicial independence or driven by political considerations.
2024. 12. 11. 18:19

European Media Freedom Act: Legally Flawed, Politically Dangerous

This investigation examines the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), adopted on 7 May 2024, focusing on its implications for media pluralism, national sovereignty, and the potential politicization of its legislative framework. By analyzing the legal and cultural ramifications of transferring competence to the EU under single market provisions, it critically assesses the act's impact on the press and media landscape across Member States.
2024. 09. 27. 14:15

Main importers of Russian gas in the EU: does reality match political stereotypes?

Imports of Russian gas, whether via pipelines or in liquefied form, to the European market are not subject to the same sanctions as those for oil. However, Member States are encouraged to reduce these imports and face political pressure if they deviate from the EU’s stance. The case of Hungary is emblematic in this regard, with Budapest constantly in the EU's sights.
2024. 09. 27. 14:12

Az orosz gáz fő importőrei az EU-ban: megfelel-e a valóság a politikai sztereotípiáknak?

Az európai piacra csővezetéken keresztül vagy cseppfolyósított formában érkező orosz gáz importjára nem vonatkoznak ugyanolyan szankciók, mint az olajra, de a tagállamoktól a csökkentést kérik, és politi-kai nyomásnak vannak kitéve, ha nem tart-ják be az EU által meghatározott határvo-nalat. Magyarország esete emblematikus ebből a szempontból.
2024. 03. 01. 14:51

30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht: Hidden federalism and democratic denial

Az Európai Tanulmányok Műhely március 11-én félnapos konferenciát szervez a Maastrichti szerződés 30. évfordulójának alkalmából Hidden federalism and democratic denial címmel.